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Response Status Codes in oneM2M

When a oneM2M CSE processes a request, it returns a response to the client. The response contains a four-digit numerical status code that indicates the outcome of the request to the client. This could be a success, an error, or any other status that the client needs to know.

In case the status code indicates success, the response may also contain the requested data or any other information that the client requested. In case of an error, the response may contain additional information about the error, such as the error message or the error code.


A CSE might return additional information in case of an error. This could be an error message, an error code, or any other information that helps the client to understand the error. This information is included in the reponse content in the m2m:dbg element.


{ "m2m:dbg": "Target resource not found" }

Common Response Status Codes

The following tables lists the most common status codes that a oneM2M CSE may return in response to a request. The tables are not exhaustive and may not contain all possible response status codes.

For a complete list, please refer to the oneM2M standard document TS-0004 - Service Layer Core Protocol.

Informational Status Codes

These response status codes are used to indicate that the request has been received and is being processed. They are usually used for asynchronous requests.

Status Code Description Comment
1001 ACCEPTED for nonBlockingRequestSynch
1002 ACCEPTED for nonBlockingRequestAsynch

Success Status Codes

These response status codes are used to indicate that the request has been successfully processed.

Status Code Description Comment
2000 OK General success status code
2001 CREATED Resource created successfully
2002 DELETED Resource deleted successfully
2004 UPDATED Resource updated successfully

Originator Error Response Status Codes

These response status codes are used to indicate that the request could not be processed due to an error in the request itself (i.e. the client made an error).

Status Code Description Comment
4000 BAD_REQUEST General error message
4004 NOT_FOUND Target resource not found
4005 OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED Operation not allowed for target resource
4015 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE CSE cannot process a request content
4103 ORIGINATOR_HAS_NO_PRIVILEGE No privileges for the originator to run the operation
4106 ORIGINATOR_NOT_AUTHENTICATED Unauthenticed originator
4108 INVALID_CHILD_RESOURCE_TYPE Child resource not allowed for the target resource

Receiver Error Response Status Codes

These response status codes are used to indicate that the request could not be processed due to an error on the server side (i.e. the CSE made an error).

Status Code Description Comment
5000 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR General server error message
5001 NOT_IMPLEMENTED Operation or feature not implemented by the CSE
5103 TARGET_NOT_REACHABLE Target resource not reachable
5105 RECEIVER_HAS_NO_PRIVILEGE No privileges for the receiver to run the operation
5106 ALREADY_EXISTS Resource already exists
5107 REMOTE_ENTITY_NOT_REACHABLE Remote entity / CSE not reachable
5206 NON_BLOCKING_SYNCH_REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED Non-blocking synch requests are not supported by the CSE

Network System Error Response Status Codes

These response status codes are used to indicate that the request could not be processed due to an error in the network system, i.e. via the Mcn interface.

Status Code Description Comment


This article described the most common response status codes that a oneM2M CSE may return in response to a request. The status codes indicate the outcome of the request and can be used by the client to determine the next steps to take. There are more specialized response status codes defined in the oneM2M standard, which can be found in the document TS-0004 - Service Layer Core Protocol.

by Andreas Kraft, 2024-04-06