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Preparations and Prerequisites

The following sections describe the software and tools that are required to follow the examples and recipes on this site.

Python 3 and Additional Packages

For most of the example code snippets we present in the articles we assume some basic knowledge of the Python 3 programming language and environment. Please see the Python home page at for more information about Python and how to install it on your machine.

We assume that you have at least Python 3.10.x installed on your machine and that you are familiar with the basic concepts of Python. If you are not familiar with Python, we recommend to follow one of the many online tutorials, for example Python Tutorial.

Package: requests

The requests library is used to send oneM2M requests via http to the oneM2M CSE.

It can be installed using the pip package manager:

pip install requests

oneM2M CSEs


One of the available open source oneM2M CSE implementations is the ACME oneM2M CSE. It is a pure Python implementation of a oneM2M CSE and can be used to follow the examples and recipes on this site.

For installation instructions please refer to the ACME oneM2M CSE Installation documentation.

by Andreas Kraft, 2023-08-06