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How to Register an Application Entity

In What is an Application Entity? we discussed that an Application Entity (AE) is the representation of an application on a oneM2M device or on a oneM2M node, and that it is represented by an <AE> resource in a oneM2M resource tree.

In this article we want to show how the registration process looks like.


We use Python 3 for the code snippets in this article. Please see Installing Packages and other Software for further instructions to install the necessary packages.

We assume that a local CSE runs on the local machine and can receive oneM2M requests via http at localhost port 8080.

Registering an AE

In the following sections we will explain the registration code step-by-step.

Import Necessary Packages

Import 'requests' package
import requests

This makes the functions of the request package available to use.

Define the CSE URL

Set the URL of the oneM2M CSE
cse_url = 'http://localhost:8080/cse-in'

The assignment defines the base URL to the CSE's CSEBase resource for the http requests.

Define the oneM2M Request Attributes

Set the oneM2M headers
headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json;ty=2',
    'X-M2M-Origin': 'CMyApplication', 
    'X-M2M-RI': '12345',
    'X-M2M-RVI': '4'

This snippet defines the dictionary headers that contains the header fields required by oneM2M for the http request.

  • Line 2 sets the http Content-Type header field to application/json. In addition, we add the necessary argument ty=2 that specifies that we are going to create a resource of type <AE> (which resource type is 2).
  • Line 3 sets the oneM2M specific header field X-M2M-Origin to the value of "CMyApplication". This header field, which is mandatory in normal oneM2M requests, is optional when registering an AE:

The X-M2M-Origin header field is mapped to the oneM2M from request attribute. It is mandatory in all oneM2M requests to identify the sender of a request, except in the case of an AE registration.

In this case this attribute is handled a bit differently: The value, here CMyApplication, specifies a new originator that is provided by the application itself. It must not contain an already existing originator.

Alternatively it is also possible to not provide the header field at all, or provide only the value C or S in the field; in this case the CSE will assign a unique value itself.

An originator must start with either a "C" (for "client defined") or an "S" character (for "service provider defined".

  • Line 4 sets a Request Identifier for the request. This identifier must be unique for each request. It is also returned in the headers of the http response later.
  • Line 5 specifies the Release Version Indicator, which tells the CSE to tread the request regarding a specific oneM2M release. We will use oneM2M release 4 in our examples.

Define the oneM2M Request Content

Define the oneM2M body for the AE
body = {
    'm2m:ae': {
        'rn': 'CMyApplication',
        'api': '',
        'rr': True,
        'srv': ['4']

This snippet defines the content of the oneM2M request. In our case it contains the mandatory attributes that are required to register an Application Entity. It is a Python dictionary that will later be converted to a JSON structure.

  • Line 2 indicates that the resource definition is a oneM2M <AE> resource type.
  • Line 3 sets the resource name of the resource. This attribute is optional. If we wouldn't provide it in the definition then the CSE would provide a unique one.
  • Line 4 sets the App-ID attribute. It uniquely identifies the application class that can be used to identify the application type, its data model etc. The provided identifier must start with either the character "R" (for "registered type") or "N" (for "non-registered type").1
  • Line 5 specifies that the AE is able to receive notifications. This information is used by the CSE to determine how to send notifications to an AE.
  • Line 6 specifies a list of supported release versions. This attribute is similar to the header field X-M2M-RVI. It is used later by the CSE when handling request to and from the AE.

Send the Request

Send the request to the oneM2M CSE
response =, headers=headers, json=body)

This request sends the http request to the CSE, using the header fields and the body defined above.

The response is assigned to the response variable.

Handle Response Statuses

Check the response status code
if response.status_code == 201:
    print(f'AE registration successful: {response.status_code} / {response.headers["X-M2M-RSC"]}')
    print(f'AE registration failed: {response.status_code} / {response.headers["X-M2M-RSC"]} {response.json()}')

After sending the request and receiving the response one should check the http status code to see whether the request succeeded.

  • Line 1: After a successful AE registration the response has a http status of 201.

    Checking the http status is a quick way of checking whether the request succeeded. However, it is not sufficient. To get an exact status of the request one should also check the Response Status Code that is returned in the header field X-M2M-RSC. This is a oneM2M specific status code that is returned in all oneM2M responses. It is defined in the oneM2M specification and is more detailed than the http status code.

  • We print the http status as well as the oneM2M Response Status Code (in the header field "X-M2M-RSC") in line 2, and the response content in line 3. This is a <AE> resource structure that is similar to the one that we sent in the request, but with some new attributes that have been added by the CSE as part of the resource creation.
  • In case the CSE encountered an error while processing the request it returns a different status code and also a different Response Status Code. We print this and also an (optional) debug message in line 5.

Complete Code

The following Python code is the complete runnable script. In addition examples for CURL and HTTPie are provided.
import requests

# The URL of the oneM2M CSE
cse_url = 'http://localhost:8080/cse-in'

# Set the oneM2M headers
headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json;ty=2',
    'X-M2M-Origin': 'CMyApplication',
    'X-M2M-RI': '12345',
    'X-M2M-RVI': '4'

# Define the oneM2M body for the AE
body = {
    'm2m:ae': {
        'rn': 'CMyApplication',
        'api': '',
        'rr': True,
        'srv': ['4']

# Send the request to the oneM2M CSE
response =, headers=headers, json=body)

# Check the response status code
if response.status_code == 201:
    print(f'AE registration successful: {response.status_code} / {response.headers["X-M2M-RSC"]}')
    print(f'AE registration failed: {response.status_code} / {response.headers["X-M2M-RSC"]} {response.json()}')
curl \
-H 'Accept:application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type:application/json;ty=2' \
-H 'X-M2M-Origin:CMyApplication' \
-H 'X-M2M-RI:12345' \
-H 'X-M2M-RVI:4' \
-d '{ "m2m:ae" : { "rn" : "CMyApplication", "api" : "", "rr" : true, "srv" : ["4"] }}' \
http POST http://localhost:8080/cse-in \
'Accept:application/json' \
'Content-Type:application/json;ty=2' \
'X-M2M-Origin:CMyApplication' \
'X-M2M-RI:12345' \
'X-M2M-RVI:4' \
--raw '{"m2m:ae": {"rn": "CMyApplication", "api": "", "rr": true, "srv": ["4"]}}'


This article showed how to register an Application Entity (AE) in a oneM2M CSE. The registration is done by sending a http POST request to the CSE's CSEBase resource. The request must contain the header fields Content-Type, X-M2M-Origin, X-M2M-RI and X-M2M-RVI as well as the body that contains the definition of the Application Entity resource.

by Andreas Kraft, 2023-08-10

  1. One may register application types with a global registration authority.